Thursday, July 25, 2013

July 25: Closed Doors, Open Windows

I'm sure you've heard the saying, "When God closes a door, He opens a window."

Well, I've been living by that little creed for a while now.  God's closed quite a few doors in my life recently, and I haven't found too many open windows.  In fact, the one window I thought was open came slamming down on my fingers a couple of days ago.

OK, I'm not going to descend into another post full of anxiety and fear.  I'm not going to list all the doors that have recently been slammed in my face (at last count, at least four).  Let's just say, I'm tired of digging splinters out of my nose.

Nope, I'd rather focus on windows.  I think my main problem right now is that I'm not even trying to find a window.  I'm too busy kicking and pounding on the doors.  I'm panicking right now, and, therefore, I'm not looking for glass and sunshine and fresh air.

Tonight, I'm going to make an effort to try to open all the windows in my house, even ones that haven't been opened for quite a few years.  Even if it's only an attic window that's cracked and warped, I will find a window.

Now, whether Saint Marty will be able to squeeze his ass through it is a whole other issue.

Anybody got a ladder?

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