Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5: Retention, Brownies, Pajama Night

I have been able to retain my good mood for a good portion of the day.  Except for a few moments of crabbiness, everything has gone almost exactly the way I planned.  I got a very good chunk of my projects completed.  I didn't experience any stress, for the most part.  And I worked with people I don't hate.  All of these factors simply enhanced the general goodness glow of the day.

The other good thing that happened today is that my wife was offered a part-time job at a local credit union as a teller.  I'm excited for her and for us.  Hopefully, we won't struggle with money so much having a second income.  Of course, there's a part of me that gets a little nervous about my wife's sexual addiction and bipolar disease.  When she's at home, there's a bubble of safety that exists, at least in my mind.  That bubble's going to be popping next Monday.  But, this news is welcome and good.  I give thanks for it.

Tonight, I have to make brownies for a potluck at work tomorrow.  That means I have to stop at that gulag of consumerism, Wal-Mart, on my way home from the office.  I hate going to that place at any hour of the day, but at 5 p.m., it's like paying for a fraternity hazing.  I can't avoid it, however.

The good news is that, once I get home, I can change into my pajamas and not leave the house for the rest of the evening.  For those of my disciples who don't think putting pajamas on at 6 p.m. is thrilling, I would encourage you to try it, supplemented with hot chocolate and/or a bag of Cheetos (the crunchy kind).

Saint Marty may even spike his hot chocolate with a little Bailey's tonight.

Care to join in the fun?  I'll bring the Cheetos

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