Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12: Long, Loooong, Looooooooooong Day

I've been pretty tired all day long.  I woke up tired.  Went to work tired.  Taught mythology tired.  Now I'm blogging tired.  When I get home, I'm going pick up my son from daycare tired.  Make dinner tired. Drive my daughter to religion and dance tired.  Drive home tired.   By that time tonight, I'll probably be seeing double.

I know my problem.  Usually, I have at least one can of Diet Mountain Dew or Diet Coke during the day.  I have had absolutely zero caffeine.  I'm actually tempted to pay the $1.50 at the vending machine downstairs.  Out of principal, I generally refuse to pay that price for a can of pop, but I'm getting desperate.

Regardless of how tired I feel, I have accomplished quite a bit today.  I've already written one blog.  I typed up the script for a worship service at church.  And I revised my wife's cover letter resume so she could submit it to another prospective employer.  This post is my second of the day, and after I'm done with it, I just want to take a nap.  I'm waiting for my second wind.

Saint Marty needs a boost of energy.  Anybody got a Red Bull?

This is my life today...

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