Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28: Still Voiceless, Still Behind, Still Hungry

First morning back at work after the Black Friday Chocolate Potluck.  I still have a ton of really good chocolate leftover, and it's calling to me right now.  There's a chocolate orange that has my name on it.  Yes, I'm still hungry after this weekend of feasting.  In fact, I'm getting to the point of being famished right now.

I'm also still practically voiceless.  If I can get my volume above a whisper, I'm doing good right now.  Don't know how I'm going to teach this afternoon.  Unless some weird Carol Brady miracle happens to me (you know The Brady Bunch episode where Mrs. Brady gets laryngitis at Christmas and can't sing her solo--Cindy gets Santa to work a little miracle for Florence Henderson), it's going to be a very quiet class today.

Ever have one of those hydra days?
And I'm still behind in everything I have to accomplish for teaching and every other aspect of my life.  It seems like as soon as I check a task off my list, three more items take its place.  It's like trying to kill some kind of hydra of work.  It never ends.  Yes, I'm whining at the moment.  I'm not feeling great, and right now I'm looking at a whole day of busy, tiring labors.  (Are you catching my Heracles allusions?  Guess teaching that mythology class is paying off a little bit.)

Well, Saint Marty is going to break into his chocolate stash.  Perhaps some Godiva or Lindt truffles.  Decisions, decisions.

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