Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13: Another Day, Another Something

It is potluck day at work.  I made a quiche as my contribution, and I overcooked it.  It's a little too brown on the top.  However, I didn't have the ingredients to make another one last night.  Therefore, my coworkers are getting a burned quiche for breakfast.

It is very warm in the business office this morning.  There is construction work going on in another part of our office suite, and the air handlers have been turned off.  Right now, it's about ninety degrees in my little corner of the world, and I know that's going to make for some very cranky patients.  Not to mention nurses and surgeons.  I've already started the ball rolling to correct the problem, but I know everyone walking through that front door this morning is going to make some kind of comment about the temperature.  I don't get cranky until about the tenth person.  Then I may say something like, "Really?  It's warm in here?  Thank God.  I thought my malaria was flaring up again."

I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude in the face of this tropical flare-up.  It wouldn't be so bad if they were at least serving free margaritas on the lido deck or Gopher arranged some naked shuffle board tournaments.  Maybe Charo can serenade the patients as they get their legs in the stirrups.

Saint Marty needs to go slip into his Hawaiian scrubs.  Aloha.

Now performing in Operating Room One...

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