Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 9: Cadbury Scream Eggs, Sunday Afternoon, New Cartoon

It is Sunday afternoon.  I have just eaten dinner with my family at my parents' house.  Spaghetti and acorn squash and a Cadbury Scream Egg.  If you don't know what a Cadbury Scream Egg is, think about a Cadbury Cream Egg (the kind that comes out at Easter time), and then imagine the cream yolk inside being green instead of yellow.  That's the only difference.  They're new.  I've never seen them before.  I assume Cadbury wanted to earn a little more money at a time other than the Easter season.  That's fine by me.  I don't mind giving that fine chocolate maker some of my pocket change.

I'm sure there is a football game on TV tonight.  I really don't care.  I've never been much for organized sports of any kind, unless it's the Olympics.  So, I will be looking for something else to do.  I'll probably end up reading my Intro to Film textbook or some poetry.  Football gives me hives.

When I get home tonight, I will water my pumpkin plant.  It is still clinging to life, despite the fact that a blight has claimed half of its leaves.  Yes, it is dying.  Every pumpkin has rotted on the vine so far.  I have one last, best hope at the moment.  A pumpkin about the size of a green pepper.  I've been chasing rabbits away from it every night.  If those little bastards eat my pumpkin, I will be setting up some rabbit snares.  I'm not a big fan of rodents any how, and rabbits are just rats with long ears.

Bugs Bunny better stay out of Saint Marty's pumpkin patch.

Confessions of Saint Marty

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