It is Monday and, therefore, time for a Carol dip. I have a pretty cloudy mind at the moment. Phlegm. Sleep deprivation. Grading malaise. Take your pick as to the cause. I'm already too tired for words, and the day is just beginning.
Anyway, my question for the book of Carol is simple this morning:
Will I be able to finish all of my grading for my final exam times this afternoon?
And the answer from Charles Dickens is:
"And how did little Tim behave?" asked Mrs. Cratchit, when she had rallied Bob on his credulity, and Bob had hugged his daughter to his heart's content.
I suppose that means that if I behave myself, knuckle down, and get my work done, I'll be in fine shape. After all, Bob's response to Mrs. Cratchit's question is, "As good as gold...and better..." That means I'm in the clear today. The finish line is in sight.
Saint Marty needs to get grading, folks. Have a great Monday (if that isn't a contradiction in terms).
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This was me last night |
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