Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28: Last Day of Summer, New Cartoon, Teaching

Tomorrow, I return to my normal work schedule.  That means the semester begins, and my summer hiatus comes to an end.  I must say that, this fall, I have much easier teaching load than last semester.  I have zero composition classes, so I will have no stacks of papers to grade.  That will be a refreshing break.  I'm a little anxious about the Mythology course, but that's only because I've never taught it before.  I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it.

This last day of summer always makes me feel a little blue.  It's like the day after Christmas, when all the fun is over and you're left with garbage bags full of wrapping paper.  In a week or so, I will adjust.  I always do.  However, right now, I'm indulging in a little self-pity.  The days are getting shorter.  The mornings are getting colder.  The trees are already turning colors.  Change is in the air.

My uncle, who has terminal cancer, is doing very poorly.  Keep him and his family in your thoughts.  My aunt, especially.  Letting go of someone you love is never easy.  My uncle is her life.  My hope is for peace, acceptance.  Less pain.  Maybe a fast ending, if that's possible.

I haven't got much else for my disciples tonight.  Thank you for reading my blog.  Thank you for taking part in my journey toward sainthood.  (You may laugh at this point.)  Things start anew tomorrow.

Saint Marty, in transition.

Confessions of Saint Marty

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