Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19: Ready for the Weekend, Thunderstorms, Hardee's

Well, I put together my syllabus for my Good Books class.  It only took me a few hours to figure out the schedule and make the appropriate changes to my existing syllabus.  Basically, I'm all set for the beginning of the semester.  It feels good to have that work done.

Since I posted this morning, thunderstorms have descended on the Upper Peninsula.  My coworker was going to go to the U. P. State Fair this afternoon with her family.  She is now reconsidering her plans.  I don't mind the bad weather.  Most of the activities I have planned for today are for indoors--cleaning the house, finishing my reading of Catching Fire.

At noon, I'm meeting my wife and sisters for lunch at Hardee's, which is one of my daughter's favorite places to eat.  She called me yesterday when she was travelling downstate with my sister and asked my to find the nearest Hardee's for her.  I was surprised to find out that Hardee's isn't a really big chain in Michigan.  In the U. P., there are about five or six different restaurants.  In the lower peninsula, there are about two.  I have no idea why I'm telling you this fact.  Most of my international readers probably have no idea what Hardee's is.  (Think McDonald's, but with curly fries.)

After lunch, I'm probably going grocery shopping.  Among other items, I need to purchase some supplies for my Book Club gettogether next week.  The book for this month is Hunger Games, and I have already finished it.  I haven't been this ahead of the Book Club game for some time.  My goal is to have all three books in the series finished by next Thursday.  It may not happen.

Well, time for Saint Marty to get some curly fries.

I know you're jealous!

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