Friday, May 17, 2024

My 17: "Orphans," Day Two, "Without Heat"

Billy Collins studies astronomy . . . 


by: Billy Collins

Earth and moon
pulled through space,
a boy and his pale sister
forever spinning in a darkened room.

It is Friday night, day two of having no heat.  Thank goodness the weather has been warm.  It is strange how 50 degrees outside seems like summer, but 60 degrees inside seems almost arctic.  

Unlike Collins, I've been too distracted by my furnace situation to do any moon- or stargazing.  Friends have been posting gorgeous pictures of auroras over Lake Superior.  I have no such pictures saved on my phone's camera roll.  Like I said, my mind's been a little preoccupied. 

It looks as though I will be getting a new furnace next week.  Just in time for spring.  Everything is greening and yellowing and pinking and purpling up in my backyard.  

Saint Marty is pretty exhausted tonight.

Without Heat

by: Martin Achatz

I sit in a room above
my broken furnace,
think of an old bear
who forgot to set
his alarm clock for spring.

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