Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 22: "Corridor," One of the Elders, "Ageism"

Billy Collins shows his age . . .


by: Billy Collins

I've grown old--
now my own name
rings a bell.

Okay, I have reached the age where I get up off the couch in my living room, walk through the dining room into the kitchen, and can't remember why.  Was I hungry?  Thirsty?  Did I have something in the oven?

I still feel as if I should be sitting at the kids' table at family gettogethers, leaving the comfortable chairs and bigger table to the elders.  My reality check came this past Christmas when I realized that I am now one of the elders.  A younger elder, but still an elder.

Funny, I don't feel older, although I do make noises every time I rise from chairs or couches now.  I still get overexcited by new books or writing projects or movies.  And I still am pretty much night owlish, staying up well past 2 a.m. most of the time.  

There is that old saying that you're only as old as you feel.  I've also heard people say, "You have a young mind."  If both of those statements are true, then I'm a 12-year-old boy stuck in the body of an old fart.  

I'm not complaining.  I've been pretty lucky, health-wise and happiness-wise.  My life is good, filled with things that fuel my passions.  Age, for me, really is just a number.  That's it.

Saint Marty's number right now is . . . younger than dirt and older than my teeth.


by: Martin Achatz

John Muir counted over 4000
rings on one sequoia stump,

and I have expired milk
in my fridge that still smells good.

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