Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21: "Celtic Interlacing," Night for Poets, "Palimpsest"

Billy Collins gets a little Seamus Heaney-ish . . . 

Celtic Interlacing

by: Billy Collins

Early horizontal designs
for the rollercoasters of the future.

As I sit typing this post, the world outside is being pounded by rain and wind and lightning and thunder.  A night for poets.  

Poets see the world in a different way.  Billy Collins looks at Celtic designs and sees rollercoasters.  I look at a piece of toast and see the face of Jesus.  (You can laugh.  That was meant to be a joke.)

This morning, when I took a walk through my backyard with my dog, fog had made all the familiar bushes and trees and rocks almost alien, as if I'd just stepped onto another planet.  It was lovely, frightening, and poetic at the same time.

I spent a good portion of my day working on a poem for an event happening at the end of June.  As the Marquette Art Awards 2023 Writer of the Year, I have been invited to write and read a poem for the opening ceremony of Art Week.  So, I've lived in a space of keen observation and imagination for hours today.  

Saint Marty is a little hungry now.  He's going to go eat Jesus' head.


by: Martin Achatz

Morning fog erases the pines
so they can be revised by day.

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