Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18: "Departure," Almost Summer Day, "Spring Fever"

Billy Collins is haunted . . . 


by: Billy Collins

I wonder--
did you happen
to play something new
on the piano

just before you left

or was it the breeze
from the door
you left open
that turned the page?

An almost summer day.  I spent most of it practicing music for the church services I have to play this weekend.  Piano and pipe organ.  Lots of new songs (Lutheran hymns) that I didn't recognize.  

It is mid-May.  Prom season.  On my walks and travels today, I saw lots of teenage guys washing and vacuuming their dad's convertibles, lots of teenage girls walking freshly coifed out of beauty salons.  Spring and hormones are in the air.

Usually around this time, I make big plans of what I hope to accomplish during the summer.  I call them my spring resolutions.  I'm not going to do that this year, because it only leads to guilt and disappointment at the end of August.

Instead, Saint Marty is just going to savor each moment, one dandelion at a time

Spring Fever

by: Martin Achatz

I walk under
the branches of an apple
tree, stare up into
its blossoms, stunned
as a teenage boy seeing
his date all decked out
for junior prom.

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