Saturday, May 4, 2024

May 4: "Face Up," Relativity, "Trampoline"

Billy Collins plays cards . . . 

Face Up

by:  Billy Collins

The jack of diamonds
lying supine
on the table,

a prince sleeping
in a pasture--
fifty-one cows.

I haven't had a whole lot of time for cards or poetry or anything else today.  It's the end of the semester, so my focus was grading papers and exams.  About the only other things I did was play the pipe organ for Mass this afternoon and take my puppy for a long walk.

I remember how weekends seemed to last forever when I was a kid--from Saturday mornings watching Bugs Bunny through Sunday evenings and the The Wonderful World of Disney.  These days, if I blink on Friday, it's already Sunday with the work week looming over me.

It's all about Einstein and relativity.  The older you get, the less time you seem to have.  More grading tomorrow.  Poetry workshop in the evening.

Saint Marty sure misses having a whole lot of time and a whole lot of nothing to do.


by:  Martin Achatz

The trampoline has stood
for two years in my backyard,
abandoned by my kids
who used it to touch
the sun until they came
down with a case 
of gravity.

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