Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14: "View from a Bridge," Center of the Universe, "Penny for Your Thoughts"

Billy Collins crosses a bridge . . .

View from a Bridge

by: Billy Collins

I never thought
of myself
as a little universe
inside a big one
until just now.

It's always a little humbling to realize you are not the universe or center of the universe or even an important component of the universe.  Most individuals don't learn this lesson until much later in life.  Children are simply too me-centered to realize that, in the grand scheme of things, we are very small cogs in an infinite machine.  A lot of adults I meet have never experienced this epiphany, either.

I come from a large family, so I had tons of siblings to make me aware of my insignificance.  It was difficult enough getting an extra helping mashed potatoes at the dinner table.  Forget being center stage for any length of time.  Humility was a virtue that was drilled into me from the time I was very young.

Perhaps that's why I have pursued a career in the arts--to get people's attention and recognition.  Although, even now, I try to avoid spotlight situations.  I much prefer to shine the spotlight on other people and accomplishments.  Give me a bag of M&Ms or a slice of pizza, and that's all the acknowledgement I need.  (Really, that's all anyone needs.)

Those are most of Saint Marty's thoughts for today.

Penny for Your Thoughts

by: Martin Achatz

She tasted like Superior,
her skin a glacier under
the current of my tongue,
pushing her closer and closer
to the edge of the world
where whales moan all night.

Did you get your money's worth?

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