Friday, July 4, 2014

July 3: Sore and Tired

I hurt myself running last week.  I don't know what I did, but my left leg is killing me.  I can walk alright, but, if I try to move at anything faster than a slow lope, it feels like my ass is on fire.  (Yeah, I know.  That is probably more information than you really wanted to know.)

If it doesn't get any better by next week, I may have to make a doctor's appointment.  I think I strained or pulled some muscle.  In the mean time, I can't run or jog or chase my son.  If it requires speed and agility, count me out.

So, I went for a slow walk tonight.  A really...really...really...slow walk.

In fact, Saint Marty is only half-way home right now.

A picture of my injury

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