Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1: Ferris Wheel, Quick Post, Prayer Update

"The most fun there is," retorted Fern, "is when the Ferris wheel stops and Henry and I are in the top car and Henry makes the car swing and we can see everything for miles and miles and miles."

Fern is a normal little girl, growing up, becoming a young lady.  Henry is now more interesting than Wilbur, and the biggest thrill of her life is the Ferris wheel.

This post is going to be quick.  My daughter is waiting to get her hands on my laptop.  My daughter is a normal little girl, growing up, becoming a moody teenager.  She knows how to throw a major meltdown if she doesn't get her way.

Tonight, I would like to give you an update on "Tara," the young woman I told you about last week.  I told you that she was having tests to determine if she had cancer.  Well, the tests came back positive.  Tara has thyroid cancer, and she is about to start her treatments, just before she's about to start her senior year of high school.

Please pray for Tara.  Pray for health and happiness.  She should be worrying about college admissions, not chemotherapy and surgeries.

Saint Marty is humbled by Tara, and she deserves all the hope and blessing in this world.

Amen, Padre.

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