I'm better today, although I'm still a little down. It doesn't help that I dropped my daughter off at Bible Camp this afternoon. It's hard for me to let go, even though she's been attending this week-long camp for five years. I know she's 13, almost in high school. But I still think of her as that little girl with pigtails who used to fall asleep in my lap.
On a totally unrelated topic, I will be introducing a new feature to this blog tomorrow. I'm calling it Poet of the Week. Each week, Monday through Saturday, I'm going to feature poems from one poet. Six poems in total. I will introduce the featured writer each Monday, and I will include poems from that writer through Saturday. So, look for the first Poet of the Week tomorrow night.
Today's episode of Classic Saint Marty first aired almost four years ago.
July 29, 2010: Saint Martha
I've always liked the story of Martha in the Bible. Jesus comes to visit Martha and her sister, Mary, in Bethany. While Mary sits at Jesus' feet and listens to Him talk, Martha is busting her ass getting dinner ready and the house cleaned and the good china and silver washed. (Okay, I don't know if they had good china and silver back then, but I'm sure Martha didn't want Jesus to eat hummus/whatever with His fingers or a stick.) Martha gets pissed at Mary for not pulling her weight, and Jesus scolds Martha: "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need only of one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her."

got a letter from my daughter last night. It was the first of three
letters I instructed her to write from the church camp she's attending
this week. I know that my daughter is having a great time, attending
worship services, doing crafts, swimming, learning about Jesus and the
Bible. The directions we received from the camp director even told us
to pack her Bible, a notebook, and a pen. So she's studying the Bible,
and I'm Martha, telling her to write her letters and do her daily
reading of Harry Potter and be homesick, dammit.
I thought I'd share the contents of that letter with you. The portions
in bold are my daughter's words. The portions in italics are my
interpretations of her words:
(My darling father, whom I miss more than a drowning person misses air.)
first day totally awesome!
have struggled through this first 24 hours and am counting the days
until you return to pick me up. I put a smile on my face and pretend to
be having fun, but, on the inside, I'm always crying.)
we took a swimming test and I won!!
took us down to the lake and let us enter the water. I really didn't
feel like doing it, but I knew you would want me to do my best. So I
participated in their swimming test and did my best for you, Daddy,
because you are the greatest daddy in the whole world.)
well, lunch is soon
don't really have an appetite, but I'm going to eat whatever they put
in front of me because you taught me good manners. I want you to be
proud of me. I will eat, even though the only thing I'm hungry for is
being with you, Daddy.)
I miss you!!
than anything in the world. I cried myself to sleep last night and
woke up crying this morning. I've been crying so much that my eyes are
swollen and red. The camp nurse thought I was having an allergic
reaction and tried to give me some Benadryl. I told her the only thing
that would cure me is a big dose of Daddy.)
(With all my heart and every atom in my body, forever and ever, until the end of time, because you are the best and coolest and most loving father in the whole universe.)
(Your little Mary, sitting at the foot of Jesus.)
(With all my heart and every atom in my body, forever and ever, until the end of time, because you are the best and coolest and most loving father in the whole universe.)
(Your little Mary, sitting at the foot of Jesus.)
Confessions of Saint Marty
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