This post marks a milestone. It is number 300 for my blog. For the person who has been with me since the beginning (I'm talking to you, Wonder Twin), I want to thank you for hanging in there. It has been a bumpy ride at times. I (and the blog) have evolved over the last couple of years, for the better, I think. I've been trying to decide how to commemorate this event. Fireworks are too expensive. A party for my loyal follower may be a little depressing. (It would just be two people, sitting in a room, eating and drinking.) A feature-length film based on my blog may be a hard sell in Hollywood. That leaves me with one option...
Another contest.
Considering how popular my first contest was (I got a total of one entry for my muffin-naming contest), this contest may end up being the Hindenburg of contests. I may end up standing back, crying, "Oh, the humanity!" Nevertheless, I will try once more try to elicit some interest in my contest I'm calling, "Name that Poem."
The rules are pretty simple:
- In the comment section to this post, give me a subject to write a poem about. It can be any old subject you want--macaroni and cheese, uncontrollable diarrhea, the Libyan revolution.
- You may enter the contest as many times as you want.
- In post 310, I will announce the winner of "Name that Poem," and I will write a poem about the subject the winner has suggested. I will send the winner of the contest (if it doesn't cost too much money) an autographed copy of the poem and a cool holy card of a saint.
Saint Marty can take it.
I think it should be name the subject! How about....jealousy/envy...a subject you know nothing about. I think of some more since I will be the only contestant. Hey where is my cartoon?