Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12: To Run or Not to Run

That is the question.  It's a beautiful day in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  We haven't had too many beautiful days so far this summer.  The question is whether or not I'm going to go for a run again tonight.

I've run every day since Sunday.  No really long distances.  A couple of miles at the most.  However, I'm tired today.  Really tired.  I'm still recuperating from dance recital weekend, I think.  Plus, I stayed up way too late last night watching America's Got Talent.  I am totally  beat.  So lacing on my running shoes when I get home is not sounding very appealing.

Perhaps I'll take the night off.  I'll be a potato, sit on the couch, and channel surf.  OK, that's not really my style.  Maybe I'll be a yam, climb into bed, and read a book.  Nope, that's not doing it for me either.  Perhaps I'll simply force myself to run, give my son his bath, put him to bed, and then collapse from exhaustion on the floor.

Ding, ding, ding!  We have a winner.

Throw in a hot shower and making a quiche, and that describes Saint Marty's night.

I know how he feels...

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