Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7: "Angler," Day Off, "Revision"

Billy Collins goes fishing . . . 


by: Billy Collins

with my thoughts

I spent the day
in the stream
of consciousness.

Had a day off from the library.  That doesn't mean I did nothing.  It's nearly impossible for me to remain idle, floating in my own stream of consciousness, to borrow Collins' image.

Currently, I'm working on final revisions of a manuscript that has been over 20 years in the making, from the time I was first married until now.  That's two kids, several cars, an MFA, a dog, a pandemic, six deaths (one brother, two sisters, both parents, and a best friend) later.

I'm also writing final poems for a second manuscript.  This one has had a much shorter gestation--about three or so months.  I started this book because I needed a break from the magnum opus I described in the previous paragraph.

Now I find myself in the strange position of having two almost done manuscripts.

I'm sure by now some of you are asking yourselves why it has taken me so long to complete the first manuscript.  I can't answer that question easily.  I tinker and revise poems endlessly, never really satisfied with the outcomes.  Poet Paul Valery said, "A poem is never finished, only abandoned."

Saint Marty has reached the abandonment stage.


by: Martin Achatz

is all about friction,
rubbing words together
until they smoke, spark,
ignite and change states:
solid to liquid to heartbreak.

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