Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6: "Saying," Smart Work, "Plums"

Billy Collins doesn't kill two birds . . . 


by: Billy Collins

Two birds,
wings flapping
in a puddle of fresh rainwater.

Why kill them,
I wondered,
with one of even many stones?

We've all heard the saying Collins is referring to.  It's about efficiency, accomplishing something in the least amount of time with the least amount of effort.

I believe in being smart about the work I do.  For example, while I was listening to an author speak at the library tonight, I was also drafting a poem in my head.  Two birds, one stone.

I'm not sure the poem works.  You're all going to have to judge it and decide.  I don't think it's the worst poem I've written.  It's certainly not Shakespeare.

In the mean time, Saint Marty is going to eat the plums that were in the icebox and which someone was probably saving for breakfast.  Forgive Saint Marty, they were delicious, so sweet, and so cold.  Just saying.


by: Martin Achatz

Went to a talk tonight
by a writer so passionate
about plums I boiled
her words with pectin
and made jam.

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