Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14: "Young Webster," Love Stories, "Friday Night Lights Near Summer Solstice"

Billy Collins tells a love story . . .

Young Webster

by: Billy Collins

After he spied her
in a garden
holding a parasol,

he defined love as
"something of
or pertaining to me."

Some love stories have happy endings, and some don't.

Love is not easy.  Oh, sure, falling in love may be simple.  You glimpse a person who makes your heart flutter and knees turn to jelly.  After that, the hard work begins.

I've been married almost 29 years, and I can emphatically say that I still love my wife deeply.  But the last three decades have not all been one long honeymoon.  There have been major struggles.

True love is messy.  Ugly even at times.  I'm sitting on my couch right now, listening to my wife sleep.  Reflecting on how much shit we've gone through together and put each other through--times of tremendous joy and tremendous despair.

Yet, our love has endured and grown stronger.  We have two great kids as proof.  And a really cute puppy.

Saint Marty is feeling blessed this June evening, a little less than a week before summer solstice.

Friday Night Lights Before Summer Solstice

by: Martin Achatz

The moon and stars still
haven't shone up for the game.

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