Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25: "Siren," Music, "Fatherhood"

Billy Collins on an odyssey . . . 


by: Billy Collins

So enchanting was her singing,
I turned the boat around

and tied her to my mast
so as to enjoy her melodies
as I sailed around this fascinating world.

I love all kinds of music,  Classical, liturgical, blues, folk, rock, you name it.  I can't remember a time when music hasn't been a part of my life.  I've been playing piano since fifth grade (15 years of lessons).  My mother introduced me to Doris Day and Patti Page and Bing Crosby at nap times.  The soundtrack of my adolescence was a mixture of 1980s pop, movie musicals, and Jethro Tull.  That's what I've enjoyed listening to as I've sailed around this fascinating world.

I hosted a concert at the library tonight by some truly wonderful musician friends--Brian Wallen and Mavis Farr.  They lifted my spirits, even though they were singing blues.  I find it amazing that songs about heartbreak and tragedy can make a person feel so good.  Perhaps that's the appeal of the blues--it makes you think that, even if your life is shitty, it's not as shitty as being broke, drunk, and dying.  

I've been struggling since Sunday with some pretty dark moments.  Recently, it seems I frequently say or do the wrong things (unintentionally, mind you).  I think I'm being helpful.  However, my loved ones don't want advice or suggestions.  They just want to be heard.  That's it.  No fixing required.

I need to learn to keep my mouth shut, even when I think someone I care about is making a mistake.  Logic doesn't prevail over emotion.  So, for now, I'll just stand back and wait to pick up the pieces.

In the meantime, Saint Marty is going to listen to some Leonard Cohen.


by: Martin Achatz

Sometimes I just want
to sit on the couch
in my underwear, eat
a whole pepperoni pizza
by myself, read poems
so loud my son shouts
down the stairs, You know
some people in this house
have to go to school 
in the morning!

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