Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4: Good Day of Work

I set out to accomplish quite a bit today.  Aside from my usual tasks in the medical office, I had several projects I needed to complete.  I've been working steadily at them all day long.  I haven't been overwhelmed or annoyed, which is my usual frame of mind during the day.  I've simply chipped away at my list of chores.

It helps that I finished a task that's been hanging over my head for a couple months.  It wasn't difficult.  Just tedious.  This morning, I almost put off doing it again, but I talked myself down from that window ledge.  I was ready to jump into procrastination, but I didn't.  I literally said aloud, "Sit your ass down, Saint Marty, and get to work."  And that's what I did.

And now I feel great about myself.  Of course, I didn't do everything on my to-do list, but I don't care.  I will work on my memoir excerpt tonight and post it tomorrow.  That's my reward:  writing something fun.  I wish all my work days felt like this.  Fulfilling. Complete.  I'm going to be content tonight.  I may even do some pleasure reading before I go to sleep.

Saint Marty isn't used to this emotion.  He can't quite put a label on it.  He'll just call it "grace."

Not the kind of grace I'm talking about

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