Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25: Lunch with a Friend

Soon, I will be having lunch with a good friend.

I have written about this gentleman before.  When he phones me, he always begins the conversation by saying, "Hello, son, this is dad."  We've known each other for close to ten years.  What started off as a friendly acquaintance has become something deeper and more meaningful.  I send him pictures of my kids at Christmas, and he pesters me about writing my memoir.  (You may remember that I promised to deliver the first four chapters to him at our next encounter.  This lunch doesn't count.)

He, himself, is a published author.  He writes books of humorous essays, and they're quite popular around these parts of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  He's a retired professor from the university and seems to spend his golden years making people happy.  He's everything I want to be when I grow up.

My friend will make my Lachrymose Monday a little less lachrymose.

Now, if Saint Marty can have lunch with his friend on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Saint Marty will have a great week.

I want to be just like him...

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