Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27: All By Myself, New Look, Thai Pizza

A nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there
This morning, I'm all by myself.  There are no surgeries today at the surgery center where I work, so nobody but little ol' me is working.  It's going to be a long day.  When I say long day, I mean looooooooong.  And, when I have time on my hands, I get a little antsy, focus on things I've been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to.  Hence, the new look of the blog.  I've been getting a little tired of the design, so I decided to make a few changes.  (Yes, I used the word "change," even though I, in general, think change comes from some circle of hell Dante never got around to visiting.)  I think the new background looks pretty cool, as well as the new type face and colors.

Yesterday night, my wife and I went out with some new friends, Matt and Louisa.  Matt is a poet, creative non-fiction writer, and new professor at the university.  His wife is from South Africa and just about the nicest person I've ever met.  We had a great night, going for a nature walk and then getting a pizza.  On the walk, we came across a crowd of people and cars staring into the woods.  It seems a moose had been spotted a few minutes before we came upon the scene.  We searched for the moose for a couple minutes, but never saw it.  The pizza was fabulous--Thai pizza with peanut and sesame sauce.  Can't get much better than that.  Overall, it was a really fine evening.  Good weather.  Good conversation.  Good food.  Good friends.

Thai pizza.  I know you're jealous.
Well, I need to eat breakfast and get to work.  Stay tuned for another post later today, probably with a new poem.

Saint Marty embraces a small change.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! Change is GOOD! I like the new look. Oh I didn't realize you had any friends besides me! Ha. Love ya
