Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22: Great Teaching, Great Working, Great Day

I have to say that today has been the best day of this sucky week.  (It didn't have to go very far to achieve this distinction, however.)  Work in the medical office was easy and smooth.  Teaching mythology was beyond great.  I went into class with a vague notion of what I wanted to accomplish.  The discussion ranged far and wide, from European coal mining to The Silence of the Lambs.  By the time class was over, I had myself believing that life is a fairy tale.  It was fantastic.  (By the way, remind me some day to explain how President Barack Obama's life is a fairy tale.  It's amazing how it follows a traditional fairy tale type.)

Over all, I guess I have to say that today has been great.  Tonight, I have nothing on my schedule.  I can stay home and watch the results show for American Idol.  Maybe read a book or work on my memoir chapter, as well.  My point is that I can do almost anything I want to do, sans guilt.  It's going to be fantastic.

I don't know what fairy godmother or godfather sprinkled happiness on my Cheerios this morning, but I'm really grateful.  It's been a pretty shitty few days, otherwise.  I will take this goodness without questions.  I give thanks for it.

Saint Marty is ready to kick back, chillax.  Hallelujah.

Somebody had a good banana today!

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