Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 23: Anger and Worry, a Little Zen, "Anger Management"

I have found myself bouncing between anger and worry this past month.  Anger over the huge changes happening in my life.  Worry about the huge changes happening in my life.  Neither emotion is very helpful.  In fact, they both can make you fairly sick if allowed to persist.  

Saint Marty is trying to let go, get a little zen about everything.  Anger and worry management ain't easy.

Anger Management

by:  Martin Achatz 

What does that term mean
In its CPA tone and style?
As if all you have to do
At the end of the month
Is tally a column of fuck yous,
Balance it against I’m sorrys,
Depreciate the number of days
Between offense and repentance,
Multiply by 2.75 for inflation,
Add a cost of forgiving adjustment.
I’m sure Microsoft offers
Software to help with calculations.
You can even file your Happiness
Return online nowadays to expedite
Things.  No sense spending hours
With a therapist rehashing old miseries,
Distant mothers, abusive spouses,
Alcoholic grandfathers who fondled
You under midnight sheets.
No reason to go to the U. N.,
Negotiate for troops to patrol
The rubble of Baghdad, Kabul
To keep machine gun peace.
Anger, whether a fresh gout of blood
Or a ribbon of pink keloid,
Should be simple.  A matter of knowing
The proper form to submit,
As easy as sending an invitation
To your son’s first birthday.
Just bring a gift, maybe
A quart of vanilla ice cream.
There will be balloons, cake, a game
Of pin the tail on the donkey.
Prizes for everyone.

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