Monday, December 26, 2016

December 26: After-Christmas Shopping, Villanelle, "His Voice Cries Out"

Just got back from a little after-Christmas shopping.  I purchased my cards and some wrapping paper for next year.

Tonight, I have no major plans.  No writing projects to complete.  Nothing to clean.  I may watch a few episodes of American Horror Story (I got the first five seasons on DVD yesterday).  And I will read a book (my book club meets this Thursday at my house).

I do have a poem for you tonight.  It's a villanelle.  I haven't written too many villanelles in my life that I consider any good.  This is one of them:

His Voice Cries Out

by:  Martin Achatz

His voice cries out in the dark,

For milk or prayer or song.

Like you, Lord, I rise, embark

On a quest to answer my son, mark

His need for help.  I know it’s wrong

To raise my voice, too, cry in dark

Hunger, night after night, stark

In my need.  But I long

For light, Lord.  I will rise, embark

To distant shores, board some ark

With hairy, tusked, scaled throng,

All our voices crying out in the dark.

We will sail, search for You, Monarch

Of olive branch, rainbow, milk.  We belong

To You, Lord.  We dance, rise, embark,

Worship.  All.  Trout.  Bear. Doe. Meadowlark.

You hear our infant sobs, our nightlong

Cries of praise and want in the dark.

You rise, Lord, listen, and embark.

Please vote for Saint Marty

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Decide which book I will use for the blog next year:

Book Poll 

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