You know, over the last few days, I've been wondering how I managed to end up a finalist for Poet Laureate of the U. P. I mean, I know how the process works--the nominations and all. But I've never been good a self-promotion. I love talking about poems, going to poetry reading, giving poetry reading, teaching poetry. Every once in a while, though, my inner high schooler sometimes taps me on the shoulder and whispers, "You're not really that good."
It's a battle that I constantly fight. When somebody compliments one of my poems, I have a difficult time not pointing out its flaws. I don't think that I'm alone in this, however. Walt Whitman was rewriting Leaves of Grass up until the day he died. It was never finished.
I often tell my students that no writing is ever done. It's just due. I believe that. I think Walt Whitman believed that, too.
I'm constantly in the process of becoming a poet.
Make Me a Poet
by: Martin Achatz
Dear Lord, make me a
poet like cummings,
Except with
capitalization and punctuation.
Make me hungry, wild as
Uncle Walt,
Less the fingers of
grass in delicate places,
Prolific as Emily, know
Death's home phone,
Minus the agoraphobia,
moth-white dresses.
Lord, I want to be Dr.
With his wheelbarrow,
rain, chickens,
But I don't want to go
to medical school.
I'll observe the mating
habits of blackbirds
With Mr. Stevens, but I
won't sell car or life insurance.
I want to walk like Bob
down a yellow road
That forks, get lost on
a snowy evening, but can't
Pretend to farm, raise
poultry, or pick apples.
I want to rage against
dimming light like Dylan,
Without having to drink
anybody under the table,
Dive, as Adrienne did,
into the shipwreck,
Without the Jewish
angst, the struggle of being
Woman, wife, mother,
political activist, lesbian.
Let me sing like Sylvia
against Nazi daddies
And not have to stick my
head in an oven.
Allow me to garden words
like Stanley,
Live a century, but also
win the Nobel Prize.
Lord, I will leap in the
streets, dance like a fool,
Strip naked, grab a
tambourine, shake
My hairy goods at all
onlookers if only
You will let me raise my
voice, weave
My poems like David, the
lucky bastard.
Of course, I don't want
to cheat on my wife
Or kill a friend.
I won't go that far.
Other than that,
anything for You, Lord.
Please vote for Saint Marty:
Voting for next Poet Laureate of the U. P.
Catholic angst - at least it's something. Pity those of us who were raised mere Lutheran; everything's always 'just fine'.