Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 17: Another Dead Wrestler, W. Todd Kaneko, "Captain Lou Albano Says He is the Guiding Light"

Yes, I'm giving you another dead wrestler poem from Todd Kaneko tonight.  I think the reason I love these poems so much is because they're about wrestlers, not van Gogh's brushstrokes or Mozart's cello concertos.  Poetry can be about Flash Gordon and Andre the Giant.  I'm actually thinking about writing a book of poems based on Star Wars.  I think the world needs a few Wookie odes and Bantha sestinas.

That's my idea, anyway.  I would enjoy doing something like that.

Saint Marty hopes the Force will be with him.

Captain Lou Albano Says He is the Guiding Light

by:  W. Todd Kaneko

I'm like a snake, baby, I move and groove!  I can be the guiding light!  I can watch, I can look for weaknesses!  I can turn Mr. Saito into a maniac killer!
----Captain Lou Albano, WWF Wrestling Manager

Don't be a hero if you don't have to--
be the snake if you need to hurt
someone, the eagle if I tell you to be
a pair of scissors and a tattered flag.
A man can be a pistol, the tip of a razor
for those chumps up in the cheap seats.
Be the beard, wired with rubber bands
and gristle.  Be roughneck, bareback
so you can learn to talk to a woman,
hijack her telephone number, her name
if she has one.  I am your guiding light

in hours of gloom.  I speak with the bygone
snarl of a carnival barker, that salty tongue
spouting from the lips of an exorcist
drunk on church wine.  I swallow bees
to hone my bluster, wear my shirt open,
the hair on my chest raked with loco
weed and thistles.  A boy is a switchblade
in my pocket, a man a brand new suit
unleashing havoc in the dark.

Listen:  you be sabretooth and supernova,
an El Camino charging blind at oblivion.
Be a young stallion, cocksure and lurid
in a fight.  Bear skin, bulldozer, broken
bottle brandished in a back alley brawl--
it's your choice.  You don't have to 
want to be the killer.  Just be the killer.

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