Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27: Jazz, Sex, and Psalm 19

I have to tell you, this poem was a little bit of a struggle today.  I had the idea for it early this morning.  On Sundays, while I take my shower, get ready for church, I listen to jazz on my local Public Radio station.  Its a sacred time for me.  I read devotions, say prayers, think about the worship service for which I'll be playing music.  I reflect on the topic for the Sunday School class I teach.  Basically, I try to get my head ready for God.  And, these last couple of weeks, I try to think of a topic for my poem.

Jazz.  It refers to music.  It also refers to sex.  There's something very elemental and spiritual and carnal about the word, all at the same time.  When I listen to jazz, it inspires me, fills me with life, gets my juices flowing.  I love it.  It also helps me to get closer to God on Sunday.  Because God loves us completely, all the jazz of our lives.

My wife, when I read her my poem for today, said, "That's pretty private.  Isn't anything off limits?"  I didn't think of this poem as private at all.  True, it's about sex, but it's also about life and creation and Easter.  I don't know.  You drop me a comment if you agree with my wife.  I pretty much am an open book.  Nothing is really taboo.

Join Saint Marty in a little jazz.  Dim the lights.  Close the curtains.  Smoke what you got.  Pray.  Give thanks.  Lift your heart to God.

 Psalm 19:  Radio Jazz in the Morning

Guitar lifts, runs, falls, trips over
My naked body, taps along arm,
Reaches down back, into vertebrae,
Makes juices flow and jump, my horn
Riff the air, sway, heavy now, light now,
My mind still with my wife in bed,
Her curves, hot breath, parted lips,
Ready for the jazz of fingers, bebop
Of hands on her skin, rhythm, bass
On breast, thigh, nipple, neck,
Mardi Gras of body on body, tongue
On her reed, slick music in mouth,
Passed from my tenor to her alto,
Her trumpet to my trombone,
Until we're jamming, unable to tell
Me from her, her from me, our voices
Rising, like Jesus on Easter morning,
Filling the world with sound, sweet sound,
Louie, Ella, Duke, Charlie, yeah, Bird,
Chasing Bird all the way to paradise.  Yeah.

Jazz in the morning!

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