Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1: Help Wanted

No, I'm not seeking another writer to blog for me.  No, I'm not looking for another job, unless it involves a great deal of money and a book deal.  And no, I'm not looking to hire a domestic servant.

Last year, I decided, as part of my Lenten observance, to pray for people who'd hurt me in the past.  It sounded simple enough, but if you review my earliest posts, it was anything but easy.  I started out praying for just a few offenders, people for whom I harbored a lot of anger.  As Lent progressed, my list of people kept growing.  At one point, if I had put every one of them in a line, that line would have stretched from Copper Harbor to the Mackinac Bridge.  For those of my readers who are non-Yoopers, that's a really long line.  It's not that I kept seeking out people to be mad at.  As I was praying, figures from my past just kept appearing in my mind, asking for prayers.  At points, the whole process made me physically ill.

At the end of Lent last year, however, I found that I had let go of a lot of past hurts.  Forgiveness didn't so much wash over me.  It sort of forced its way into my life, like a rash of impetigo.  And it spread into other parts of my life.  I have blogged, over the past year, about many people who have pissed me off, do piss me off.  But I find, now, that I'm able to control my temper.  My anger is not quite so impulsive; I try to understand people's motivations more.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not a rage-aholic.  I don't need anger management classes.  I just gave myself a lesson in forgiveness, understanding, love, and letting go last Lent.

Which brings me to the topic of this post.  I need an idea for Lent this year.  I don't want to do something superficial like give up chocolate.  I don't want to repeat last year's exercise, although there are still people who piss me off.  I want to do something substantial.

Here's what I'm asking for:  give me an idea for Lent.  I will entertain any and all suggestions, as long as they don't involve shaving any part of my anatomy or doing things with farm animals.  I may even take the best suggestions and put them in a poll.  You, loyal readers, could decide how I observe Lent this year.

So put on your thinking caps.  Get creative.  Get spiritual.  Get crazy.  Get creatively, spiritually crazy.  In the comments section of this post, leave your suggestions.  I'd also be interested in your personal stories about Lent.  What have you done for Lent in the past?  If you were raised Christian, I'm sure you have some stories about sneaking Hostess cupcakes in the bathroom or eating a Whopper on a Friday.

I'm serious about this.  Don't make me beg.

Saint Marty needs your help.


  1. Well, if this is the only suggestion....will you choose it?
    I think you should stop using sarcasm during lent. I know that it is funny...but one literal definition is "to cut flesh". Why do something easy like giving up chocolate or diet Mountain Dew (am I being sarcastic?)? Maybe digging deep again this year will help in your transformation (notice I did not use the word change)from being a petty, jealous teenage girl into the Saintly man that God wants you to be. I say GO BIG! Love from your Wondertwin

  2. Well, Wondertwin, if I give up sarcasm during Lent, that could make for some really dull blog posts, don't you think? I DO want to go big for Lent. Keep thinking. The sarcasm thing isn't bad, but it comes so naturally to me. I may not be able to control it. Always appreciate my number one fan! Love, Marty
