Tuesday, January 23, 2024

January 23: "The Code of the West," Piece of Shit, Donald Trump

Billy Collins defends his horse . . . 

The Code of the West

by:  Billy Collins

Say what you want
about me,
but leave the horse
I rode in on out of it.

Billy Collins is playing off on old cliché where you add "and the horse you/he rode in on" to a phrase, like this:  "Screw you, and the horse you rode in on."  It's supposed to be an insult, but, over time, it's become more of a punchline.  Add it to a phrase, and it becomes funny.  For example, "I hate Donald Trump, and the horse he rode in on."  (Of course, Trump riding a horse is kind of a joke anyway.  Think about it--a horse's ass riding a horse's ass.)  However, the horse is an innocent bystander.  It hasn't done anything but be a horse.  It's the person who's a piece of shit.

Human beings fuck things up.  They pollute oceans.  Melt polar icecaps.  Strip mine.  Cause famines, genocides, wars.  You name it, and humankind has exploited it, bombed it, or made it extinct.  We live in a broken world, and we broke it.

That may sound pessimistic.  It is.  

Tonight, for the first time, I read a news article that called Donald Trump the "presumptive Republican presidential nominee."  That's right.  A man facing 91 charges (44 federal and 47 state) across four criminal cases is being allowed to run for the Oval Office.  Each and every charge is a felony.  He encouraged insurrection and murder.  Raped women.  Publicly insulted disabled people and military heroes.  Caused hundreds of thousands of deaths because of his mishandling of the global pandemic.  This wannabe dictator, and not the horse he rode in on, is going to be nominated for President of the United States again.

Now, if you are a Trump supporter and I'm offending your delicate sensibilities, I suggest you stop reading this post, crawl back to your Nazi compound, and write some misspelled social media posts in all caps blaming all of your problems on people of color.  You aren't Christians.  The last time I read the Bible, Jesus told us to care for the old and sick and poor and hungry and displaced.  He didn't sit at home, whining that the Pharisees were perpetrating a witch hunt against Him.

So, to all of you who have voted and are planning to vote again for Donald Trump, I hope your horses kick you in your collective asses, because that's where your heads are.

And that's why Saint Marty prefers the company of his dog.

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