Friday, December 15, 2023

December 13, 14, 15: "The Other Kingdoms," Music Kingdom, Poetry Kingdom, Friend and Heartbreak Kingdome

Mary Oliver grows sweetly wild . . . 

The Other Kingdoms

by:  Mary Oliver

Consider the other kingdoms.  The
trees, for example, with their mellow-sounding
titles:  oak, aspen, willow.
Or the snow, for which the peoples of the north
have dozens of words to describe its
different arrivals.  Or the creatures, with their
thick fur, their shy and wordless gaze.  Their
infallible sense of what their lives
are meant to be.  Thus the world
grows rich, grows wild, and you too,
grow rich, grow sweetly wild, as you too
were born to be.

As a poet, like Mary Oliver, I like to know the names of things.  Trees.  Birds.  Flowers.  Fish.  The kingdoms of the world are full of sweetly wild bounty.  Language is a way of understanding these kingdoms, of becoming a part of them.

I have been sort of overcome these last few days.  Life has a way of getting out of control at this time of the year.  So much going on, both wonderful and crazy.  Kingdoms of music and friends and heartbreak and poetry.

Music Kingdom:  on Wednesday night at the library, there was a concert by Big Lake Band, a group that includes two of my closest friends, Linda and Seamus.  We've been making musical and poetic mischief together for close to 20 years.  They treated us to an hour of Christmas classics.  A little King + Country, Eartha Kitt, Bing Crosby, among others.  It filled me with joy:

Poetry Kingdom:  last night, the library hosted the holiday gathering of the Marquette Poets Circle.  Lots of great food, great people, and great poems.  Most of my closest poet friends were there, and we shared our love for each other and language.  When I first started attending the monthly MPC meetings, I had no clue how important these people would become to me.  Being together with these friends filled me with joy, as well:

Friend and Heartbreak Kingdom:  Today, one of my best poet pals, Gala, lost her 13-year-old fur baby, Oreo.  Gala texted me tonight to let me know.  Having a pet is a bargain with joy and grief.  For however many years that pet is in your life, you are treated to unconditional love.  Yet, in the end, you know you will have to endure loss, as well.  So, tonight, I am sending Gala all my love as she endures this parting:

These are the kingdoms I've been considering these last few days, getting ready for Graduation Kingdom tomorrow morning, when my daughter matriculates from college.  In the middle of all of these kingdom visitations, I also had time to finish my annual Christmas poem today.  So, if you're keeping score--Christmas essay, done; Christmas poem, done; Final Grading, not done.

Saint Marty still has a long way to go before he sleeps.

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