Sunday, January 17, 2021

January 17: Joys and Delights, No Answers, Rose

 Merton provides some instructions to live by . . . 

Above all, eat your daily Bread without which you cannot live, and come to know Christ Whose Life feeds you in the Host, and He will give you a taste of joys and delights that transcend anything you have ever experienced before, and which will make the transition easy.

It was a weekend of church for me.  Last night, I played the pipe organ for the evening Mass.  Received Communion.  This morning, I played a Lutheran worship service, and then I attended a virtual Episcopal service.  I feel fed, for sure.  Blessed.

I didn't want to go to bed tonight without providing some updates on my sister, Rose.  Unfortunately, I don't have much of an update to give.  She is still in the hospital.  No tests were done today.  She's been sleeping since she was admitted, according to my sister who is with her.  No more grand mal seizures, just "some twitching and jerking through the night."  She's on some IV medications, I assume to keep her hydrated and control her seizures.  Tomorrow, she will have an EEG.  Maybe an MRI.

So, I have no answers.  Only the good news that Rose hasn't had any more major seizures.  That is a miracle.  Answered prayer.  And I know that a lot of people have been praying.

That's all I have to offer this evening.  I am still in the limbo of not knowing anything, which is never a comfortable place for me.  I sort of like being in control of things.  This one, however, is out of my hands.  Rose is resting.  Tests tomorrow.  Hopefully something more definitive to report.

Saint Marty is going to bed now.  He will say a prayer for his sister.  For rest and healing.

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