Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28: Terrific, Go Get Some Sleep, Exhaustion

"You're terrific as far as I'm concerned," replied Charlotte, sweetly, "and that's what counts.  You're my best friend, and I think you're sensational.  Now stop arguing and go get some sleep!"

Charlotte spends a lot of the book bolstering Wilbur's self esteem.  The little pig doesn't think too much of himself.  Of course, Mr. Arable almost axed him the day he was born, so the little pig didn't have a great beginning.  Learning that Zuckerman is planning on turning him into Christmas dinner doesn't help.

True friends make you feel good about yourself.  Charlotte makes Wilbur feel sensationally terrific.  Tonight, my book club met at my house.  We ate pizza.  We talked about literature and mothers and jobs.  And we laughed.  It was a great time with great friends.

Now, I'm pretty exhausted.  I haven't really recovered from my long days of teaching and my ensuing lack of sleep.  I'm also coming down with a nasty late summer cold.  My chest is tight, and I'm coughing like crazy.  I've taken some ibuprofen, but my eyes are literally burning at the moment.  I just want to follow Charlotte's advice.

Saint Marty is going to go get some sleep.

Repeat after me:  ZzzzzzzZzzzzzzzz...Oink!

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